Bhathini Manasa फ़्रीडम ऐप पर Beauty & Wellness Business, Fashion & Clothing Business और Retail Business के मेंटर है।

Bhathini Manasa

🏭 Shri Beauty Parlour and Fashion Designer, Hyderabad
मेंटर द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ
मेंटर की विशेषज्ञता
Beauty & Wellness Business
Beauty & Wellness Business
Fashion & Clothing Business
Fashion & Clothing Business
Retail Business
Retail Business
और देखें
Manasa is a successful entrepreneur and wellness expert who runs a fashion design and parlour business. She began her venture in 2020 in partnership with her friend. Connect with our expert mentor to make your business successful.
क्या आप पर्सनल गाइडेंस के लिए Bhathini Manasa से बात करना चाहते हैं?
और जानिए

यह बहुत सरल है! अधिक जानकारी के लिए क्लिक करें

Bhathini Manasa के बारे में

Meet Ms. Manasa, a successful entrepreneur and wellness expert who runs a fashion design and parlour business. While Manasa pursued a BSc in Nursing, her love for fashion and beauty drove her to start a salon business in 2020. Apart from the salon, she also runs a fashion design business in partnership with her friend. While being a beautician, Manasa is also successfully running a cosmetics business. With her...

Meet Ms. Manasa, a successful entrepreneur and wellness expert who runs a fashion design and parlour business. While Manasa pursued a BSc in Nursing, her love for fashion and beauty drove her to start a salon business in 2020. Apart from the salon, she also runs a fashion design business in partnership with her friend. While being a beautician, Manasa is also successfully running a cosmetics business. With her experience, she provides training to newcomers in the industry. She has expertise in setting up a fashion design business, understanding fashion trends, Building a brand, setting up a salon, procuring makeup materials, retaining customers, online and offline sales, Creating a pricing strategy, and marketing. If you also want to start your fashion designing or beauty parlor business, then connect with our expert mentor.

... experience, she provides training to newcomers in the industry. She has expertise in setting up a fashion design business, understanding fashion trends, Building a brand, setting up a salon, procuring makeup materials, retaining customers, online and offline sales, Creating a pricing strategy, and marketing. If you also want to start your fashion designing or beauty parlor business, then connect with our expert mentor.

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