Godi Prashanth என்பவர் Pig Farming மற்றும் Basics of Farming ffreedom app-ன் வழிகாட்டி

Godi Prashanth

🏭 House of supreme ham, Visakhapatnam
வழிகாட்டி பேசும் மொழி
வழிகாட்டியின் நிபுணத்துவம்
Pig Farming
Pig Farming
Basics of Farming
Basics of Farming
மேலும் காட்டவும்
Meet Mr. Godi Prashanth, a former software engineer turned successful entrepreneur from Andhra Pradesh. In his mid-20s, he recognized the potential of the Indian pork market and founded "House of Supreme Ham," a successful piggery business.
தனிப்பயனாக்கப்பட்ட வழிகாட்டுதலுக்காக Godi Prashanth உடன் பேச விரும்புகிறீர்களா?
மேலும் அறிக

இது மிகவும் எளிமையானது! மேலும் அறிய இங்கே கிளிக் செய்யவும்

Godi Prashanth பற்றிய விவரம்

Mr. Godi Prashanth is a successful entrepreneur hailing from Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. He began his career as a software engineer in Bengaluru but, later when he realized the potential of the pork business in India, he ventured into a piggery business "House of Supreme Ham". Today, he has established a strong brand presence, supplying pork to Visakhapatnam and nearby towns, with plans for nationwide expansion. Prashanth has in-depth...

Mr. Godi Prashanth is a successful entrepreneur hailing from Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. He began his career as a software engineer in Bengaluru but, later when he realized the potential of the pork business in India, he ventured into a piggery business "House of Supreme Ham". Today, he has established a strong brand presence, supplying pork to Visakhapatnam and nearby towns, with plans for nationwide expansion. Prashanth has in-depth knowledge about pig breeding, piglet selection, procuring food, health and disease management, bio-security measures, pork production & processing, brand building & marketing strategies, supply chain management, expansion planning & market analysis, compliance with regulatory standards & food hygiene and safety protocols, resource utilization in piggery operations, customer relationship management & satisfaction, marketing, sales and much more.

... knowledge about pig breeding, piglet selection, procuring food, health and disease management, bio-security measures, pork production & processing, brand building & marketing strategies, supply chain management, expansion planning & market analysis, compliance with regulatory standards & food hygiene and safety protocols, resource utilization in piggery operations, customer relationship management & satisfaction, marketing, sales and much more.

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