GokulNath Natesan फ़्रीडम ऐप पर Poultry Farming, Smart Farming और Basics of Farming के मेंटर है।

GokulNath Natesan

🏭 Kazhani Native Farms, Chennai
मेंटर द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ
मेंटर की विशेषज्ञता
Poultry Farming
Poultry Farming
Smart Farming
Smart Farming
Basics of Farming
Basics of Farming
और देखें
Mr. Gokulnath Natesan, a resident of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is the owner of "Kazhani Native Farms". He produces organic vegetables on his two-and-a-half acres of land. Gokulnath also procures products from other organic farmers to prepare value-added products.
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GokulNath Natesan के बारे में

Meet Mr. Gokulnath Natesan a successful techie-turned farmer, who lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He began farming while working in an IT firm. Later, he decided to leave his job and engage in full-time farming. His passion for agriculture has paved the way for his farm, "Kazhani Native Farms," which is located on two and a half acres of land. He not only grows and sells his organic vegetables but also works with...

Meet Mr. Gokulnath Natesan a successful techie-turned farmer, who lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He began farming while working in an IT firm. Later, he decided to leave his job and engage in full-time farming. His passion for agriculture has paved the way for his farm, "Kazhani Native Farms," which is located on two and a half acres of land. He not only grows and sells his organic vegetables but also works with other farmers to prepare value-added products. He imparts valuable training on organic farming practices, setting up an organic farm, comprehensive market analysis, product packaging techniques, branding strategies, offline & online sales, and effective marketing methodologies. If you want to start your farming journey, Mr. Gokulnath is the right mentor to gain invaluable knowledge and become a successful farmer.

... other farmers to prepare value-added products. He imparts valuable training on organic farming practices, setting up an organic farm, comprehensive market analysis, product packaging techniques, branding strategies, offline & online sales, and effective marketing methodologies. If you want to start your farming journey, Mr. Gokulnath is the right mentor to gain invaluable knowledge and become a successful farmer.

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