Gowtham Natarajan फ़्रीडम ऐप पर Mushroom Farming के मेंटर है।

Gowtham Natarajan

🏭 AGB Mushroom Farm, Chennai
मेंटर द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ
मेंटर की विशेषज्ञता
Mushroom Farming
Mushroom Farming
और देखें
Gowtham Natarajan's life is truly inspiring. Over the past four years, he has excelled in mushroom cultivation, earning the title of the best mushroom grower. Remarkably, he started with only fifteen thousand rupees and achieved remarkable success.
क्या आप पर्सनल गाइडेंस के लिए Gowtham Natarajan से बात करना चाहते हैं?
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Gowtham Natarajan के बारे में

"Gowtham's journey is a true inspiration for aspiring oyster farmers. Initially working in a high-paying corporate job, Gowtham realized he lacked mental peace and started entrepreneurship. His quest led him to the world of oyster mushroom cultivation. With a meager investment of fifteen thousand rupees, he founded his Mushroom Farm. Gowtham's success story is a testament to his dedication and resourcefulness. He got the information on mushroom farming from the internet and turned his...

"Gowtham's journey is a true inspiration for aspiring oyster farmers. Initially working in a high-paying corporate job, Gowtham realized he lacked mental peace and started entrepreneurship. His quest led him to the world of oyster mushroom cultivation. With a meager investment of fifteen thousand rupees, he founded his Mushroom Farm. Gowtham's success story is a testament to his dedication and resourcefulness. He got the information on mushroom farming from the internet and turned his knowledge into a thriving business. In the past four years, he has consistently produced high-quality oyster mushrooms, earning him recognition as a top mushroom grower. Gowtham's journey underscores the power of determination and the wealth of knowledge available online. His story serves as a beacon of hope for those seeking to follow their entrepreneurial dreams, proving that with the right mindset and perseverance, success is attainable even in unconventional fields like mushroom farming. "

... knowledge into a thriving business. In the past four years, he has consistently produced high-quality oyster mushrooms, earning him recognition as a top mushroom grower. Gowtham's journey underscores the power of determination and the wealth of knowledge available online. His story serves as a beacon of hope for those seeking to follow their entrepreneurial dreams, proving that with the right mindset and perseverance, success is attainable even in unconventional fields like mushroom farming. "

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