Lakshmi Narayana फ़्रीडम ऐप पर Integrated Farming और Sheep & Goat Rearing के मेंटर है।

Lakshmi Narayana

🏭 Purkuthi, Shimoga
मेंटर द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ
मेंटर की विशेषज्ञता
Integrated Farming
Integrated Farming
Sheep & Goat Rearing
Sheep & Goat Rearing
और देखें
Meet Mr. Lakshmi Narayan, a successful sheep and goat farmer, who manages the Hi-tech Shed Construction. With 300 goats, he excels in integrated farming, boasting expertise in breeding and marketing strategies within the sheep-goat farming industry.
क्या आप पर्सनल गाइडेंस के लिए Lakshmi Narayana से बात करना चाहते हैं?
और जानिए

यह बहुत सरल है! अधिक जानकारी के लिए क्लिक करें

Lakshmi Narayana के बारे में

Lakshmi Narayana, a seasoned sheep and goat farmer hailing from Karnataka, invested 15 lakhs a decade ago to establish his farming venture, which initially consisted of 500 goats. Despite experiencing substantial profitability in the past, he encountered financial losses during the COVID-19 pandemic, aggravated by labor shortages, which persisted throughout the industry. Today, Lakshmi Narayana holds...

Lakshmi Narayana, a seasoned sheep and goat farmer hailing from Karnataka, invested 15 lakhs a decade ago to establish his farming venture, which initially consisted of 500 goats. Despite experiencing substantial profitability in the past, he encountered financial losses during the COVID-19 pandemic, aggravated by labor shortages, which persisted throughout the industry. Today, Lakshmi Narayana holds the prestigious position of President within the Sheep-Goat Co-operative Society. In this role, he actively supports fellow sheep and goat farmers by facilitating funding opportunities through the cooperative society. With his extensive expertise in sheep and goat farming, breeding, breed selection, and marketing strategies, he continues to contribute significantly to the industry's growth and development.

... the prestigious position of President within the Sheep-Goat Co-operative Society. In this role, he actively supports fellow sheep and goat farmers by facilitating funding opportunities through the cooperative society. With his extensive expertise in sheep and goat farming, breeding, breed selection, and marketing strategies, he continues to contribute significantly to the industry's growth and development.

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