P Dhanapal फ़्रीडम ऐप पर Manufacturing Business, Bakery & Sweets Business, Food Processing & Packaged Food Business, Restaurant Business और Cloud Kitchen Business के मेंटर है।

P Dhanapal

🏭 Sagan Machines, Chennai
मेंटर द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ
मेंटर की विशेषज्ञता
Manufacturing Business
Manufacturing Business
Bakery & Sweets Business
Bakery & Sweets Business
Food Processing & Packaged Food Business
Food Processing & Packaged Food Business
Restaurant Business
Restaurant Business
Cloud Kitchen Business
Cloud Kitchen Business
और देखें
Dhanapal is a successful entrepreneur in manufacturing advanced bakery equipment & rolling mills. His enterprise “Sagan Machines” helps many bakery businesses by providing the best machines at cost-effective rates. He will guide you to start a successful manufacturing business.
क्या आप पर्सनल गाइडेंस के लिए P Dhanapal से बात करना चाहते हैं?
और जानिए

यह बहुत सरल है! अधिक जानकारी के लिए क्लिक करें

P Dhanapal के बारे में

Meet Mr. Dhanapal from Tamil Nadu, a successful entrepreneur in manufacturing advanced bakery equipment and winding machines. He started his venture “Sagan Machines” in 2012. His venture is popular for manufacturing - cookie-making machines, roll-making machines, snack-packing machines, latte-making machines, and automatic baking ovens. The cost of these machines varies from Rs. 75000 to 10 lakh depending on the different production capacities. Mr. Dhanapal helps many bakery businesses by...

Meet Mr. Dhanapal from Tamil Nadu, a successful entrepreneur in manufacturing advanced bakery equipment and winding machines. He started his venture “Sagan Machines” in 2012. His venture is popular for manufacturing - cookie-making machines, roll-making machines, snack-packing machines, latte-making machines, and automatic baking ovens. The cost of these machines varies from Rs. 75000 to 10 lakh depending on the different production capacities. Mr. Dhanapal helps many bakery businesses by providing the best machines at cost-effective rates. He has expertise in setting up a manufacturing machine business, in-depth knowledge about different types of machines, offline & online sales, branding & promotions, and pricing and marketing. Dhanapal’s Knowledge and expertise in this industry made “Sagan Machines” an invaluable partner to the bakery industry. So if you are an aspirant to start your own business, then you can connect with Mr. Dhanapal and take your business to new heights.

... providing the best machines at cost-effective rates. He has expertise in setting up a manufacturing machine business, in-depth knowledge about different types of machines, offline & online sales, branding & promotions, and pricing and marketing. Dhanapal’s Knowledge and expertise in this industry made “Sagan Machines” an invaluable partner to the bakery industry. So if you are an aspirant to start your own business, then you can connect with Mr. Dhanapal and take your business to new heights.

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