Sadarudin Manath फ़्रीडम ऐप पर Smart Farming, Fruit Farming और Basics of Farming के मेंटर है।

Sadarudin Manath

🏭 Airport Garden, Malappuram
मेंटर द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ
मेंटर की विशेषज्ञता
Smart Farming
Smart Farming
Fruit Farming
Fruit Farming
Basics of Farming
Basics of Farming
और देखें
Meet Sadarudin Manath, a successful farmer from Kozhikode district, Kerala. He created a revolution in the agriculture sector by cultivating flour in drums and pots, managing over 250 varieties in about 200 drums. This method suits large farms, yards, and terraces.
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Sadarudin Manath के बारे में

Mr. Sadarudin Manath is a successful farmer from Kozhikode district, Kerala, He created a revolution in the agriculture sector by cultivating flour in drums and pots. This versatile method suits large farms, yards, and terraces. Since 2020, his business has evolved into a successful enterprise, creating many job opportunities....

Mr. Sadarudin Manath is a successful farmer from Kozhikode district, Kerala, He created a revolution in the agriculture sector by cultivating flour in drums and pots. This versatile method suits large farms, yards, and terraces. Since 2020, his business has evolved into a successful enterprise, creating many job opportunities. Sadarudin uses manured soil in drums to plant maize seedlings, resulting in substantial profits. Currently, he cultivates over 250 flour varieties across about 200 drums. He possesses expertise in pot selection, seed sowing, crop cultivation, soil management, plant nutrition, irrigation techniques, pest control, harvesting methods and more.

... Sadarudin uses manured soil in drums to plant maize seedlings, resulting in substantial profits. Currently, he cultivates over 250 flour varieties across about 200 drums. He possesses expertise in pot selection, seed sowing, crop cultivation, soil management, plant nutrition, irrigation techniques, pest control, harvesting methods and more.

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