Sandesh R फ़्रीडम ऐप पर Manufacturing Business और Dry Cleaning Services Business के मेंटर है।

Sandesh R

🏭 Revanna, Mysuru
मेंटर द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ
मेंटर की विशेषज्ञता
Manufacturing Business
Manufacturing Business
Dry Cleaning Services Business
Dry Cleaning Services Business
और देखें
Meet Sandesh R, a successful Laundry and Mobile Service Business Expert from Mysuru, Karnataka. He operates a large laundry business with 52 employees and earns around 24 lakh per year. Additionally, he manages a successful mobile service business.
क्या आप पर्सनल गाइडेंस के लिए Sandesh R से बात करना चाहते हैं?
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Sandesh R के बारे में

Mr. Sandesh R is a successful entrepreneur hailing from Karnataka. Initially pursuing studies in Mysuru, he ventured into the automobile industry. But, he was not happy with the success. Hence, he redirected his efforts and invested 90 lakhs in establishing a large-scale laundry business. This strategic move paid off, as he now earns an impressive...

Mr. Sandesh R is a successful entrepreneur hailing from Karnataka. Initially pursuing studies in Mysuru, he ventured into the automobile industry. But, he was not happy with the success. Hence, he redirected his efforts and invested 90 lakhs in establishing a large-scale laundry business. This strategic move paid off, as he now earns an impressive annual profit of 24 lakhs. His venture now fulfills bulk orders for prominent entities, hotels, and KSRTC. His success has not only enriched him but also provided jobs to 52 individuals. As part of his entrepreneurial portfolio, Mr. Sandesh established Samsung mobile service centers with four outlets, demonstrating his business acumen and versatility.

... annual profit of 24 lakhs. His venture now fulfills bulk orders for prominent entities, hotels, and KSRTC. His success has not only enriched him but also provided jobs to 52 individuals. As part of his entrepreneurial portfolio, Mr. Sandesh established Samsung mobile service centers with four outlets, demonstrating his business acumen and versatility.

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