Sudha C என்பவர் Restaurant Business மற்றும் Cloud Kitchen Business ffreedom app-ன் வழிகாட்டி

Sudha C

🏭 Sairam Food Center, Bengaluru City
வழிகாட்டி பேசும் மொழி
வழிகாட்டியின் நிபுணத்துவம்
Restaurant Business
Restaurant Business
Cloud Kitchen Business
Cloud Kitchen Business
மேலும் காட்டவும்
Meet Sudha C, a successful street food entrepreneur from Karnataka. From ₹5,000 investment, she now earns ₹25,000 daily from her non-veg street food business. Sudha offers expert guidance on running a street food business.
தனிப்பயனாக்கப்பட்ட வழிகாட்டுதலுக்காக Sudha C உடன் பேச விரும்புகிறீர்களா?
மேலும் அறிக

இது மிகவும் எளிமையானது! மேலும் அறிய இங்கே கிளிக் செய்யவும்

Sudha C பற்றிய விவரம்

Ms. Sudha C, is a successful woman entrepreneur from Bengaluru, Karnataka. Eight years ago, she launched her non-veg street food business with an investment of just ₹5,000. Overcoming numerous challenges, she now earns over ₹25,000 daily. Sudha, despite minimal education, has become an inspiration by...

Ms. Sudha C, is a successful woman entrepreneur from Bengaluru, Karnataka. Eight years ago, she launched her non-veg street food business with an investment of just ₹5,000. Overcoming numerous challenges, she now earns over ₹25,000 daily. Sudha, despite minimal education, has become an inspiration by balancing family responsibilities with business demands. She offers comprehensive guidance on selecting a suitable location, sourcing raw materials, menu planning, understanding customer preferences, managing competition, and more. With Sudha's expert guidance, you can make a mark in the street food business industry.

... balancing family responsibilities with business demands. She offers comprehensive guidance on selecting a suitable location, sourcing raw materials, menu planning, understanding customer preferences, managing competition, and more. With Sudha's expert guidance, you can make a mark in the street food business industry.

ffreedom app-ல் உள்ள பிற வழிகாட்டிகள்
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