Vignesh Krishnan फ़्रीडम ऐप पर Fish Farming, Retail Business, Smart Farming और Prawns Farming के मेंटर है।

Vignesh Krishnan

🏭 Meen Aazhzhi fish farming, Kanchipuram
मेंटर द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ
मेंटर की विशेषज्ञता
Fish Farming
Fish Farming
Retail Business
Retail Business
Smart Farming
Smart Farming
Prawns Farming
Prawns Farming
और देखें
Meet Mr.Vignesh hailing from Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu. He started the fish farming business in 2017, which his father started 30 years ago. He started this business on 1 acre and now he is doing it profitably on 3 acres.
क्या आप पर्सनल गाइडेंस के लिए Vignesh Krishnan से बात करना चाहते हैं?
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Vignesh Krishnan के बारे में

Mr. Vignesh is a successful fish farmer hailing from Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu. His father initiated the fish farming business three decades ago. Vignesh took the reins in 2017. Initially, he invested three lakh rupees in a one-acre plot, leveraging modern technology for fish farming, which notably boosted his income. As his success grew, Vignesh expanded his...

Mr. Vignesh is a successful fish farmer hailing from Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu. His father initiated the fish farming business three decades ago. Vignesh took the reins in 2017. Initially, he invested three lakh rupees in a one-acre plot, leveraging modern technology for fish farming, which notably boosted his income. As his success grew, Vignesh expanded his agriculture and currently operating a profitable fish farming business on three acres of land. He cultivates and sells ten different types of fish and exports his products to locations from 400 to 700 kilometers away. Furthermore, Vignesh's expertise in fish farming has earned him recognition, with his articles on the subject being published in prestigious journals.

... agriculture and currently operating a profitable fish farming business on three acres of land. He cultivates and sells ten different types of fish and exports his products to locations from 400 to 700 kilometers away. Furthermore, Vignesh's expertise in fish farming has earned him recognition, with his articles on the subject being published in prestigious journals.

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