Bollampalli  Krishnarao फ़्रीडम ऐप पर मछली और झींगा पालन के मेंटर है।
Bollampalli  Krishnarao

Bollampalli Krishnarao

🏭 Bollampalli Krishnarao Farm, Vijaywada
मेंटर द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ
मेंटर की विशेषज्ञता
मछली और झींगा पालन
मछली और झींगा पालन
और देखें
Bollampalli Krishna Rao proved that age is not a barrier. He managed fish farming brilliantly at the age of sixty-two years. Over fifteen years, he expanded his fish farming from two to sixty acres. Connect & learn from his expertise.
क्या आप पर्सनल गाइडेंस के लिए Bollampalli Krishnarao से बात करना चाहते हैं?
और जानिए

यह बहुत सरल है! अधिक जानकारी के लिए क्लिक करें

Bollampalli Krishnarao के बारे में

Bollampalli Krishna Rao proudly boasts a 30-year career in agriculture. Despite holding a degree, at sixty-two, he defies age by actively managing fish farming. Hailing from Bhairavapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, Rao has excelled in fish and shrimp farming for 36 years....

Bollampalli Krishna Rao proudly boasts a 30-year career in agriculture. Despite holding a degree, at sixty-two, he defies age by actively managing fish farming. Hailing from Bhairavapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, Rao has excelled in fish and shrimp farming for 36 years. Starting with small tanks on a two-acre plot, he sold fish to fishermen at twenty-five. Transitioning from two acres to twenty, he shifted focus in 2000 to cultivating larger fish. Today, his thriving fish farm spans sixty acres, a testament to his enduring success in the field.

... Starting with small tanks on a two-acre plot, he sold fish to fishermen at twenty-five. Transitioning from two acres to twenty, he shifted focus in 2000 to cultivating larger fish. Today, his thriving fish farm spans sixty acres, a testament to his enduring success in the field.

प्रसिद्ध विषय

एक्सपर्ट मेंटर द्वारा सिखाए जाने वाले कोर्स की डिटेल्स जानने के लिए किसी एक कोर्स पर क्लिक करें।

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