Mare Gowda என்பவர் Sheep & Goat Rearing மற்றும் Smart Farming ffreedom app-ன் வழிகாட்டி

Mare Gowda

🏭 Veekshitha Goat Farm, Chikkaballapur
வழிகாட்டி பேசும் மொழி
வழிகாட்டியின் நிபுணத்துவம்
Sheep & Goat Rearing
Sheep & Goat Rearing
Smart Farming
Smart Farming
மேலும் காட்டவும்
Meet Mare Gowda, an expert in Beetle Goat Farming and Hydroponics Green Fodder. He manages a herd of 110 beetle goats, buffalo, and Jersey cows and generates income from milk sales. He's also involved in silk, neem, and corn cultivation.
தனிப்பயனாக்கப்பட்ட வழிகாட்டுதலுக்காக Mare Gowda உடன் பேச விரும்புகிறீர்களா?
மேலும் அறிக

இது மிகவும் எளிமையானது! மேலும் அறிய இங்கே கிளிக் செய்யவும்

Mare Gowda பற்றிய விவரம்

Mr. Mare Gowda is a successful farmer from Karnataka. He is an expert in Goat Farming and Hydroponics Green Fodder. Since starting his herd of 23 beetle goats four years ago, he has grown to 110 goats. Currently, he is selling 15 liters of milk each day. He employs a hydroponics system to supply...

Mr. Mare Gowda is a successful farmer from Karnataka. He is an expert in Goat Farming and Hydroponics Green Fodder. Since starting his herd of 23 beetle goats four years ago, he has grown to 110 goats. Currently, he is selling 15 liters of milk each day. He employs a hydroponics system to supply fodder. In addition to goat rearing, he also engages in buffalo rearing, cow rearing, sericulture, forestry, and vegetable cultivation. His agricultural land boasts a variety of vegetables and trees. Mare Gowda's expertise and diversified farming practices have made him a successful farmer in the region.

... fodder. In addition to goat rearing, he also engages in buffalo rearing, cow rearing, sericulture, forestry, and vegetable cultivation. His agricultural land boasts a variety of vegetables and trees. Mare Gowda's expertise and diversified farming practices have made him a successful farmer in the region.

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