Sabu Chacko फ़्रीडम ऐप पर Home Stay Business और Travel & Logistics Business के मेंटर है।

Sabu Chacko

🏭 Sea Peace Houseboat, Alappuzha
मेंटर द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ
मेंटर की विशेषज्ञता
Home Stay Business
Home Stay Business
Travel & Logistics Business
Travel & Logistics Business
और देखें
Meet Mr. Sabu Chacko, a renowned figure in Alappuzha's tourism sector. His venture, "Sea Peace Houseboat," has blossomed into a fleet, drawing visitors year-round. He possesses in-depth knowledge of houseboat architecture, interior design, marine safety, hospitality and management.
क्या आप पर्सनल गाइडेंस के लिए Sabu Chacko से बात करना चाहते हैं?
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Sabu Chacko के बारे में

Mr. Sabu Chacko epitomizes success in the houseboat business, hailing from the picturesque region of Kerala. Renowned as the mastermind behind the esteemed "Sea Peace Houseboat" venture, his name is synonymous with unparalleled hospitality in the industry. Nestled in the heart of Alappuzha, "Sea Peace Houseboat" stands as a beacon of excellence, drawing guests from far and wide throughout the year. Mr. Chacko's expertise spans a myriad of domains crucial to the houseboat industry,...

Mr. Sabu Chacko epitomizes success in the houseboat business, hailing from the picturesque region of Kerala. Renowned as the mastermind behind the esteemed "Sea Peace Houseboat" venture, his name is synonymous with unparalleled hospitality in the industry. Nestled in the heart of Alappuzha, "Sea Peace Houseboat" stands as a beacon of excellence, drawing guests from far and wide throughout the year. Mr. Chacko's expertise spans a myriad of domains crucial to the houseboat industry, including but not limited to, architectural finesse, interior design, marine safety protocols, impeccable hospitality management, negotiation tactics, effective communication strategies and adept relationship-building skills. He also has a keen acumen in brand management, online promotions, crafting enticing menu designs, season-wise pricing strategies, online and offline booking mechanisms, planning discounts, enticing offers, and prioritizing top-tier customer service and retention.

... including but not limited to, architectural finesse, interior design, marine safety protocols, impeccable hospitality management, negotiation tactics, effective communication strategies and adept relationship-building skills. He also has a keen acumen in brand management, online promotions, crafting enticing menu designs, season-wise pricing strategies, online and offline booking mechanisms, planning discounts, enticing offers, and prioritizing top-tier customer service and retention.

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