Vanaja D फ़्रीडम ऐप पर Manufacturing Business के मेंटर है।

Vanaja D

🏭 V P Enterprises, Bengaluru City
मेंटर द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ
मेंटर की विशेषज्ञता
Manufacturing Business
Manufacturing Business
और देखें
Meet Ms. Vanaja, a successful paper plate manufacturing business owner from Bengaluru. Two years ago, she started her company, "V P Enterprises", and now she earns a substantial income from her business.
क्या आप पर्सनल गाइडेंस के लिए Vanaja D से बात करना चाहते हैं?
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Vanaja D के बारे में

Ms. Vanaja is a successful paper plate manufacturing business owner from Bengaluru. Her venture, “V P Enterprises”, specializes in paper plate manufacturing and has been thriving for two years. Her company produces and sells paper plates in wholesale and retail markets. In addition to manufacturing paper plates, she also sells paper plate making machines. Before this, she had been running a...

Ms. Vanaja is a successful paper plate manufacturing business owner from Bengaluru. Her venture, “V P Enterprises”, specializes in paper plate manufacturing and has been thriving for two years. Her company produces and sells paper plates in wholesale and retail markets. In addition to manufacturing paper plates, she also sells paper plate making machines. Before this, she had been running a travel business since 2015, which has been quite profitable. However, her interest in paper plate manufacturing led her to become a successful entrepreneur in this field. She has in-depth knowledge of business management, paper plate manufacturing, product distribution, customer service, machinery operation, financial management, strategic planning, online and offline marketing, sales and more.

... travel business since 2015, which has been quite profitable. However, her interest in paper plate manufacturing led her to become a successful entrepreneur in this field. She has in-depth knowledge of business management, paper plate manufacturing, product distribution, customer service, machinery operation, financial management, strategic planning, online and offline marketing, sales and more.

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