Vanalatha S फ़्रीडम ऐप पर घरेलू व्यापार, व्यापार की मूल बातें और उत्पादन व्यापार के मेंटर है।
Vanalatha S

Vanalatha S

🏭 Blizy Color Candles Private Limited, Hyderabad
मेंटर द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ
मेंटर की विशेषज्ञता
घरेलू व्यापार
घरेलू व्यापार
व्यापार की मूल बातें
व्यापार की मूल बातें
उत्पादन व्यापार
उत्पादन व्यापार
और देखें
Meet Vanalatha, an entrepreneur who founded "Blizzy Color Candles Private Limited" in 2005. With a remarkable range of candles including decorative, birthday, wax, and Christmas candles, she offers top-notch quality at affordable prices. Connect to learn more about her journey!
क्या आप पर्सनल गाइडेंस के लिए Vanalatha S से बात करना चाहते हैं?
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Vanalatha S के बारे में

In 2005, S. Vanalatha embarked on an entrepreneurial journey by founding ""Blizzy Color Candles Private Limited."" This company specializes in crafting an extensive array of candles, encompassing significant variants like birthday candles, decorative candles, wax candles, and Christmas candles....

In 2005, S. Vanalatha embarked on an entrepreneurial journey by founding ""Blizzy Color Candles Private Limited."" This company specializes in crafting an extensive array of candles, encompassing significant variants like birthday candles, decorative candles, wax candles, and Christmas candles. Beyond delivering superior-quality candles, the company stands out for presenting economically-priced candles in captivating forms. Despite lacking prior experience, Vanalatha has emerged as a triumphant industry leader, generating employment prospects for numerous individuals through her venture.

... Beyond delivering superior-quality candles, the company stands out for presenting economically-priced candles in captivating forms. Despite lacking prior experience, Vanalatha has emerged as a triumphant industry leader, generating employment prospects for numerous individuals through her venture.

प्रसिद्ध विषय

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