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Narasimha R Bhat is a successful Agripreneur hailing from Uttara Kannada district in Karnataka. He has been successful in three endeavors - Eco Shop, Bee Farming, and Homestay. Mr. Narasimha sells honey and its by-products from this park at his eco shop. Additionally, he operates a homestay business at his Kadumane estate. Mr. Narasimha Bhat has demonstrated his ability to generate handsome profits in these ventures. He...
Narasimha R Bhat is a successful Agripreneur hailing from Uttara Kannada district in Karnataka. He has been successful in three endeavors - Eco Shop, Bee Farming, and Homestay. Mr. Narasimha sells honey and its by-products from this park at his eco shop. Additionally, he operates a homestay business at his Kadumane estate. Mr. Narasimha Bhat has demonstrated his ability to generate handsome profits in these ventures. He has in-depth knowledge of Bee Farming, choosing the right location, planning, investment, registration, and licenses. planting the right variety of flower plants, constructing Bee hives, segregating Bee families, disease management, extracting and packaging honey and byproducts, setting up eco-friendly shops, online and offline marketing, branding, promotions, online and offline sales, and setting up and running homestay.
... has in-depth knowledge of Bee Farming, choosing the right location, planning, investment, registration, and licenses. planting the right variety of flower plants, constructing Bee hives, segregating Bee families, disease management, extracting and packaging honey and byproducts, setting up eco-friendly shops, online and offline marketing, branding, promotions, online and offline sales, and setting up and running homestay.

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