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Apoorva B V., hailing from Chitradurga, He began his journey with just two honey boxes, after 12 years it has now expanded to over 500 boxes under his role as the director of Honey Day Bee Farm. After completing his engineering degree, Apoorva delved into bee farming and wholeheartedly embraced technological advancements in this field. His story exemplifies how education and intelligence can pave the way for success. He not only mastered beekeeping but also shared his...
Apoorva B V., hailing from Chitradurga, He began his journey with just two honey boxes, after 12 years it has now expanded to over 500 boxes under his role as the director of Honey Day Bee Farm. After completing his engineering degree, Apoorva delved into bee farming and wholeheartedly embraced technological advancements in this field. His story exemplifies how education and intelligence can pave the way for success. He not only mastered beekeeping but also shared his knowledge, transforming many lives through beekeeping. Apoorva's accomplishments include inspiring numerous individuals to generate substantial income through honey production. Today, Honey Day Bee Farms Ltd. stands as a testament to his achievements, spanning beekeeping, honey product creation, packaging, processing, and marketing. Apoorva's remarkable journey has garnered him prestigious awards such as the Best Urban Farmer Award from JKVK and the Deccan Erode Change Makers Award.
... knowledge, transforming many lives through beekeeping. Apoorva's accomplishments include inspiring numerous individuals to generate substantial income through honey production. Today, Honey Day Bee Farms Ltd. stands as a testament to his achievements, spanning beekeeping, honey product creation, packaging, processing, and marketing. Apoorva's remarkable journey has garnered him prestigious awards such as the Best Urban Farmer Award from JKVK and the Deccan Erode Change Makers Award.

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