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Ashoka K., hailing from Devanahalli taluk in Bangalore, is a skilled floriculture expert. Formerly a teacher, he discovered his passion for farming and successfully transitioned into agriculture, setting up a thriving playhouse....
Ashoka K., hailing from Devanahalli taluk in Bangalore, is a skilled floriculture expert. Formerly a teacher, he discovered his passion for farming and successfully transitioned into agriculture, setting up a thriving playhouse. Specializing in Sugandharaja flowers, he now enjoys daily earnings. Proficient in integrated agriculture, flower sales, marketing strategies, and social media promotion, Ashoka combines traditional and modern techniques for a prosperous livelihood.
... Specializing in Sugandharaja flowers, he now enjoys daily earnings. Proficient in integrated agriculture, flower sales, marketing strategies, and social media promotion, Ashoka combines traditional and modern techniques for a prosperous livelihood.

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