കോഴ്സുകൾ പര്യവേക്ഷണം ചെയ്യുക
Divya Rawat എന്നയാൾ  എന്നിവയിൽ ffreedom app ലെ ഒരു 

Divya Rawat

📍 Dehradun, Uttarakhand
ഉപദേശകൻ സംസാരിക്കുന്ന ഭാഷ
Divya Rawat, hailing from Uttarakhand, is renowned as a seasoned expert in mushroom cultivation. She proudly holds the prestigious President's Award for her outstanding contributions to cultivation practices. Connect with our mentor & get into mushroom farming under her guidance.
വ്യക്തിപരമാക്കിയ മാർഗ്ഗനിർദ്ദേശത്തിനായി നിങ്ങൾക്ക് Divya Rawat ആയി സംസാരിക്കണോ?
കൂടുതൽ അറിയുക

ഇത് ശരിക്കും ലളിതമാണ്! കൂടുതൽ അറിയാൻ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക

Divya Rawat കുറിച്ച്

Meet Ms. Divya Rawat, the Mushroom lady of Uttarakhand, and proud owner of "Soumya Foods". Divya makes food items from the mushrooms produced on her farm. With several years of expertise in mushroom cultivation, Divya not only grows mushrooms but also transforms them into delicious food items. She earns crores of rupees from this business. Divya is on a mission to raise awareness on mushroom cultivation among farmers in Uttarakhand, by providing both employment opportunities and valuable...

Meet Ms. Divya Rawat, the Mushroom lady of Uttarakhand, and proud owner of "Soumya Foods". Divya makes food items from the mushrooms produced on her farm. With several years of expertise in mushroom cultivation, Divya not only grows mushrooms but also transforms them into delicious food items. She earns crores of rupees from this business. Divya is on a mission to raise awareness on mushroom cultivation among farmers in Uttarakhand, by providing both employment opportunities and valuable insights. Recognized for her outstanding contributions, Divya has been honored with the prestigious “President's Award”. Divya not only produces mushrooms but also sells Mushroom byproducts. Moreover, she extends her passion for mushrooms into a venture, "Mush Mush", a restaurant exclusively dedicated to promoting and selling mushroom dishes and byproducts. If you want to get into mushroom farming, connect with our mentor and take advantage of the expert mentorship to elevate your business to he

... insights. Recognized for her outstanding contributions, Divya has been honored with the prestigious “President's Award”. Divya not only produces mushrooms but also sells Mushroom byproducts. Moreover, she extends her passion for mushrooms into a venture, "Mush Mush", a restaurant exclusively dedicated to promoting and selling mushroom dishes and byproducts. If you want to get into mushroom farming, connect with our mentor and take advantage of the expert mentorship to elevate your business to he

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