कोर्स एक्सप्लोर करें
Ramanathan M फ़्रीडम ऐप पर एकीकृत खेती, मुर्गी पालन और साग-सब्जी की खेती के मेंटर है।

Ramanathan M

📍 Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu
मेंटर द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ
मेंटर की विशेषज्ञता
एकीकृत खेती
एकीकृत खेती
मुर्गी पालन
मुर्गी पालन
साग-सब्जी की खेती
साग-सब्जी की खेती
और देखें
Meet Ramanathan M, an integrated farming expert from Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu. He started integrated farming in 2020 on his 5 acres of land, engaging in both livestock and fruit farming. Today he earns more than a lakh rupee every month.
क्या आप पर्सनल गाइडेंस के लिए Ramanathan M से बात करना चाहते हैं?
और जानिए

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Ramanathan M के बारे में

Mr. Ramanathan M is a successful integrated farmer from Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu. Although he holds a master's degree in industrial engineering, due to his profound passion for agriculture he ventured into farming in 2020 by investing Rs. 40 lakh in his 5-acre land. He practices integrated farming and is also an expert in breeding various types...

Mr. Ramanathan M is a successful integrated farmer from Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu. Although he holds a master's degree in industrial engineering, due to his profound passion for agriculture he ventured into farming in 2020 by investing Rs. 40 lakh in his 5-acre land. He practices integrated farming and is also an expert in breeding various types of country chicken. Additionally, he cultivates dragon fruit, lemon, and guava on his land, yielding a handsome monthly income in lakhs. He has in-depth expertise in crop rotation, soil health management, livestock management, pest management, water conservation, nutrient cycling, community engagement, marketing and sales of agro-products.

... of country chicken. Additionally, he cultivates dragon fruit, lemon, and guava on his land, yielding a handsome monthly income in lakhs. He has in-depth expertise in crop rotation, soil health management, livestock management, pest management, water conservation, nutrient cycling, community engagement, marketing and sales of agro-products.

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