Vinesh Kumar Sharma అనేవారు ffreedom app లో Poultry Farming మరియు Smart Farmingలో మార్గదర్శకులు

Vinesh Kumar Sharma

🏭 Jaiman Poli house, Dausa
మెంటార్ మాట్లాడే భాషలు
మెంటార్ నైపుణ్యం
Poultry Farming
Poultry Farming
Smart Farming
Smart Farming
ఇంకా చూడండి
Meet Vinesh Kumar Sharma, a cucumber farmer who grows cucumbers on two acres of land and reaps 25 lakhs a year. He has developed a unique farming style based on his vast knowledge and experience. Get in touch with him.
మీరు వ్యక్తిగతీకరించిన మార్గదర్శకత్వం కోసం Vinesh Kumar Sharmaతో మాట్లాడాలనుకుంటున్నారా?
మరింత తెలుసుకోండి

ఇది నిజంగా సులభం! మరింత తెలుసుకోవడానికి క్లిక్ చేయండి

మెంటర్ ద్వారా కోర్సులు
Vinesh Kumar Sharma గురించి

Vinesh Kumar Sharma, hailing from a small Rajasthan village, stands as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring agriculturists. With a background in private employment, he defied limitations and turned to his two-acre plot, embarking on cucumber cultivation using innovative poly house techniques. Overcoming COVID-19 hurdles, he persevered,...

Vinesh Kumar Sharma, hailing from a small Rajasthan village, stands as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring agriculturists. With a background in private employment, he defied limitations and turned to his two-acre plot, embarking on cucumber cultivation using innovative poly house techniques. Overcoming COVID-19 hurdles, he persevered, establishing a flourishing cucumber farm. Generating substantial income and doubling farmer profits, he's transformed conventional wisdom. Presently, his annual earnings exceed 25 lakhs INR, a testament to his unwavering dedication. Vinesh Kumar Sharma's journey underscores that knowledge and determination breed triumph in agriculture.

... establishing a flourishing cucumber farm. Generating substantial income and doubling farmer profits, he's transformed conventional wisdom. Presently, his annual earnings exceed 25 lakhs INR, a testament to his unwavering dedication. Vinesh Kumar Sharma's journey underscores that knowledge and determination breed triumph in agriculture.

ఫ్రీడమ్ యాప్‌లో ఇతర మెంటార్లు
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