இது மிகவும் எளிமையானது! மேலும் அறிய இங்கே கிளிக் செய்யவும்
Gopal Nagappa, hailing from Bengaluru, stands as a shining example among farmers who have tasted success in agriculture. His remarkable accomplishments serve as an inspiration for the entire farming community. With extensive experience in integrated farming, he earns a substantial annual income. Despite a modest initial interest in agriculture, Gopal Nagappa ventured into cultivating a variety of...
Gopal Nagappa, hailing from Bengaluru, stands as a shining example among farmers who have tasted success in agriculture. His remarkable accomplishments serve as an inspiration for the entire farming community. With extensive experience in integrated farming, he earns a substantial annual income. Despite a modest initial interest in agriculture, Gopal Nagappa ventured into cultivating a variety of crops across his 8-acre property. Alongside cultivating vegetables and flowers, he has made strides in dairy farming, further amplifying his accomplishments. This amalgamation of integrated agriculture and dairy farming has granted him a profound understanding, accumulated over years of dedicated efforts. Consequently, Gopal Nagappa has emerged as a paragon and guiding light for fellow farmers to emulate.
... crops across his 8-acre property. Alongside cultivating vegetables and flowers, he has made strides in dairy farming, further amplifying his accomplishments. This amalgamation of integrated agriculture and dairy farming has granted him a profound understanding, accumulated over years of dedicated efforts. Consequently, Gopal Nagappa has emerged as a paragon and guiding light for fellow farmers to emulate.

இந்தியாவின் நம்பர்.1 வாழ்வாதார தளத்தில் 1+ கோடிக்கும் அதிகமான பதிவு செய்யப்பட்ட வாடிக்கையாளர்களின் சமூகத்தில் சேரவும்
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